The Tech Savvy Patient
We look at how personal technology fits into today's and tomorrow's healthcare.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Monday, January 5, 2015
Sunday, January 4, 2015
A Stethoscope for the Next 200 Year
I thought you would be interested in the following story from The Wall Street Journal. It looks at some tremendous new specific disease diagnostics that are not horribly expensive.
A Stethoscope for the Next 200 Years
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Should You Get Cancer Screenings?
Does the risk of overdiagnosis mean people should stop getting cancer screenings?
Doctors on both sides of the debate increasingly say patients should weigh all the pros and cons—including their health, age, family history and tolerance for uncertainty—and decide for themselves.
That may sound obvious, but the concept of "shared decision-making" is still relatively new in cancer care. Some hospitals have started programs to implement it.
Proponents say shared decision-making requires doctors to be more candid about the upsides, downsides and unknowns of both screening and treating early-stage cancers.
"We in our health-care conversations have not adequately explained both sides," says Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society. For example, he says, mammograms do save lives, but not as many as most people think. For women in their 60s, regular screenings reduce the risk of dying of breast cancer by about 30%. "But 70% of women who were going to die of breast cancer will still die of it," Dr. Brawley says.
Patients often overestimate the lifetime risk of dying of cancer, he says. For prostate cancer and for breast cancer, it's about 2.7%. Put another way, for every 10,000 women in their 60s screened annually for 10 years, between five and 49 breast-cancer deaths will be averted; about 90 women will die of breast cancer anyway and 64 to 194 will be treated unnecessarily, according to a recent analysis in JAMA. An additional 940 will have biopsies that find no cancer.
For some patients, lowering even a small risk of dying of cancer is worth undergoing frequent screening and aggressively treating even low-risk cancers. Many cancer survivors say they are glad their cancer was found early, and don't second-guess if it needed to be caught at all. Some say they'd rather know they have even a low-risk cancer than stop looking and be left to wonder.
"Knowledge is empowering—you don't have to act on it, but you should keep an eye on it," says Gary Bloom of Olney, Md., who was treated for an aggressive papillary thyroid cancer 19 years ago.
Official screening guidelines, meanwhile, are moving away from one-size-fits-all recommendations and are telling patients to consult their doctors.
That takes more time, but doctors say it's the best way to manage uncertain risks and myriad human emotions.
Says dermatologist Brett Coldiron : "The era of paternalistic medicine is over."
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
A new possible treatment for Glacoma
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Secret To Creativity, Intelligence, And Scientific Thinking
Research shows that creativity and intelligence are linked with the physical connections in our brains. Here's how to connect the dots.
There’s a key difference between knowledge and experience and it’s best described like this:
The image is from cartoonist Hugh MacLeod, who came up with such a brilliant way to express a concept that’s often not that easy to grasp.
The image makes a clear point—that knowledge alone is not useful unless we can make connections between what we know. Whether you use the terms “knowledge” and “experience” to explain the difference or not, the concept itself is sound.
Lots of great writers, artists and scientists have talked about the importance of collecting ideas and bits of knowledge from the world around us, and making connections between those dots to fuel creative thinking and new ideas.
This is a really fun, inspiring topic to read about, so I collected some quotes and advice from my favorite creative thinkers about the importance of making connections in your brain. I’ve added emphasis to the important parts, but if you have time I’d recommend reading the whole post and even digging into the sources I’ve linked to.
To start with though, I want to look at some research that shows intelligence is closely linked with the physical connections in our brains.
Intelligence and connections: why your brain needs to communicate well with itself
Research from the California Institute of Technology showed that intelligence is something found all across the brain, rather than in one specific region:
The researchers found that, rather than residing in a single structure, general intelligence is determined by a network of regions across both sides of the brain.
One of the researchers explained that the study showed the brain working as a distributed system:
“Several brain regions, and the connections between them, were what was most important to general intelligence,” explains Gläscher.
The study also supported an existing theory about intelligence that says general intelligence is based on the brain’s ability to pull together and integrate various kinds of processing, such as working memory.
At Washington University, a research study found that connectivity with a particular area of the prefrontal cortex has a correlation with a person’s general intelligence.
This study showed that intelligence relied partly on high functioning brain areas, and partly on their ability to communicate with other areas in the brain.
Aside from physical connectivity in the brain, being able to make connections between ideas and knowledgewe hold in our memories can help us to think more creatively and produce higher quality work.
Connections fuel creativity: nothing is original
Steve Jobs is an obvious person to reference whenever you’re talking about creativity or innovation, so I wasn’t surprised to find that he has spoken about making connections before. This great quote is from aWired interview in 1996:
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something.
Jobs went on to explain that experience (as we saw in the image at the top of this post) is the secret to being able to make connections so readily:
That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought more about their experiences than other people.
… in order for us to truly create and contribute to the world, we have to be able to connect countless dots, to cross-pollinate ideas from a wealth of disciplines, to combine and recombine these pieces and build new castles.
She’s given a talk on this at a Creative Mornings event before, and made some great points. Being able to read about a wide range of topics is often one of of the most important elements. I really liked how she pointed out the way our egos affect our willingness to build on what others have done before:
… something we all understand on a deep intuitive level, but our creative egos sort of don’t really want to accept: And that is the idea that creativity is combinatorial, that nothing is entirely original, that everything builds on what came before…
My favorite part of this talk is Popova’s Lego analogy, where she likens the dots of knowledge we have to Lego building blocks:
The more of these building blocks we have, and the more diverse their shapes and colors, the more interesting our castles will become.
Author Austin Kleon is someone who immediately comes to mind whenever the topic of connections and remixing art comes up. Kleon is the author of Steal Like An Artist, a book about using the work of others to inspire and inform your own.
It starts off like this:
Every artist gets asked the question, “Where do you get your ideas?”
The honest artist answers, “I steal them.”
Kleon is inspiring because he’s so upfront about how the work of other people has become part of his own work. He’s also keen on the phrase I quoted from Maria Popova above, that “nothing is original”:
Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of one or more previous ideas.
If you’re looking for advice on creating more connections between the knowledge you have (and collecting even more knowledge), Kleon’s book is a great place to start. He offers suggests like:
- carry a notebook everywhere
- read a lot
- keep a scratch file
How scientific thinking is all about making connections
When it comes to the field of science, making connections between those dots of knowledge seems to be just as important. In The Art of Scientific Investigation, Cambridge University professor W. I. B. Beveridge wrote that successful scientists “have often been people with wide interests,” which led to their originality:
Originality often consists in linking up ideas whose connection was not previously suspected.
He also suggested that scientists should expand their reading outside of their own field, in order to add to their knowledge (so they would have more dots when it came time to connect them, later):
Most scientists consider that it is a more serious handicap to investigate a problem in ignorance of what is already known about it.
Lastly, science writer Dorian Sagan agrees that science is about connections:
Nature no more obeys the territorial divisions of scientific academic disciplines than do continents appear from space to be colored to reflect the national divisions of their human inhabitants. For me, the great scientific satoris, epiphanies, eurekas, and aha! moments are characterized by their ability to connect.
Start making connections and getting creative
I’ll leave you with some suggestions for improving your own ability to make connections.
1. Add to your knowledge--the power of brand new experiences
After all, the more knowledge you have, the more connections you can make. Start by reading more, reading more widely, and exploring new opportunities for gathering knowledge (for instance, try some new experiences—travel, go to meetups or take up a new hobby).
As researcher Dr.Duezel explained when it comes to experiencing new things:
“Only completely new things cause strong activity in the midbrain area.”
So trying something new and forcing a gentle brain overload can make a dramatic improvement for your brain activity.
2. Keep track of everything – especially in the shower
As Austin Kleon suggests, take a notebook (or your phone) with you everywhere and take notes. Don’t expect your brain to remember everything--give it a hand by noting down important concepts or ideas you come across. As you do this, you may remember previous notes that relate (hey, you’re making connections already!)--make a note of those as well.
You can do this even when you’re in the shower with something like Acqua Notes. The shower is especially a place that has proven to make us more creative.
3. Review your notes daily--the Benjamin Franklin method
Going over your notes often can help you to more easily recall them when you need to. Read through what you’ve made notes of before, and you might find that in the time that’s passed, you’ve added more knowledge to your repertoire that you can now connect to your old notes!
In fact, this used to be one of Benjamin Franklin’s best kept secrets. Every morning and every evening he would review his day answering 1 simple question:
“What good have I done today?”
Here is his original daily routine from way back:
No doubt you have some great ideas of your own--let us know in the comments what works for you.
This article originally appeared on Buffer and is reprinted with permission.